tarlanx Jan 26, 2020 14:18
f: stargate, a: colin ferguson, fiction, genre: vampires, p: jack_daniel, a: ed quinn, src: tv shows, note: slash, f: eureka, r: gen and teen, c: challenge
tarlanx Jan 19, 2020 18:44
f: stargate, a: colin ferguson, fiction, f: primeval, a: ed quinn, a: joe flanigan, p: rodney_john, note: slash, f: eureka, a: david hewlett, r: gen and teen, c: challenge
tarlanx Jan 04, 2020 17:16
c: bingo, a: colin ferguson, f: eureka, a: ed quinn, r: gen and teen, fanart, img: wallpaper
tarlanx Dec 16, 2019 14:34
f: stargate, a: colin ferguson, src: movies, img: icons, src: tv shows, a: nick lea, a: michael biehn, img: other, c: challenge, a: ed quinn, a: joe flanigan, a: david hewlett, f: eureka, fanart, r: gen and teen, img: wallpaper
tarlanx Dec 10, 2019 21:56
f: stargate, a: colin ferguson, src: movies, img: icons, src: tv shows, a: michael biehn, p: rodney_john, img: other, img: screen caps, c: challenge, a: eric close, misc: fun, img: animation, a: ed quinn, a: joe flanigan, a: david hewlett, f: eureka, fanart, r: gen and teen, img: wallpaper
tarlanx Oct 28, 2019 01:28
r: adult, a: colin ferguson, fiction, a: ed quinn, note: gore/horror, f: eureka, note: slash, c: challenge
tarlanx Sep 10, 2019 20:30
a: colin ferguson, src: movies, a: ed quinn, img: icons, src: tv shows, img: other, f: eureka, fanart, r: gen and teen, img: wallpaper, c: challenge
tarlanx Jun 24, 2019 22:25
a: colin ferguson, img: digital painting, src: movies, img: icons, src: tv shows, a: nick lea, a: michael biehn, img: other, c: challenge, misc: fun, img: animation, f: magnificent 7, a: ed quinn, a: joe flanigan, f: eureka, fanart, r: gen and teen, img: wallpaper
tarlanx May 06, 2019 18:59
c: bingo, a: colin ferguson, fiction, note: slash, f: eureka, a: ed quinn, r: gen and teen
tarlanx Apr 14, 2019 14:46
genre: alternate universe, a: colin ferguson, fiction, genre: apocalypse/disaster, c: big bang, a: ed quinn, src: tv shows, genre: fusion/crossover, f: eureka, note: slash, r: gen and teen